The Process

  • The first step is we will meet with your team.

    Step 1: The Deep Dive

    Once you sign on to work together, our next step is to do a deep dive to figure out your needs. Who on your team is already a strong presenter, and what are they doing well? What sort of presentations would your team usually be giving - is it sharing information internally, or working with external stakeholders? What are your goals from bringing in a presentation coach?

    The more that we know going in, the better we can prepare to make sure that you’re getting exactly what you’re looking for.

  • Step 2: The Tailor-Made Solution

    Once we have a handle on your business, then we’re really able to get to work. This is the part where I craft the right solution for your team. We’ll work at strengthening the skills that your team is currently bringing to the table, and concrete ways to hone the ones that they may be lacking.

    You may even notice during our discovery that certain members of your team need a bit more development work than others, and that’s okay too! I would be happy to build in some one-on-one coaching as a separate, longer-term engagement to ensure that the right people are getting exactly what they need.

    Lastly, we’ll have a call before your session to make sure that everyone is ready for the big day. We’ll go through some core details such as timing, what space we’ll need, any required setup, etc. You’re making an investment in your team; I want to make sure that it goes off without a hitch.

  • Step 3: The Fun Part

    Showtime! This is where I come in to work with your team for your session. I bring all of my resources and experience to the table, and come ready to work and to play!

    If your team thinks they’re going to be sitting through another boring slideshow presentation, think again! Yes, there may be some speaking, but we’re going to spend the majority of our time actively engaging in movement, coaching, and implementing presentation tips. Your team members will be working collaboratively both in small groups and in large groups at implementing some of these skills in real-time.

  • Step 4: The Next Steps

    Even though our training session may be done for the day, that doesn’t need to be the end of our engagement! The program includes a follow-up call scheduled within the next 2-4 weeks after the session so that we can discuss the training and some of my findings. I’ll provide insight into the team’s strengths, areas for development, and can offer insight into how to keep things progressing down the line.

    Most teams may not need more than annual coaching, but if there are specific individuals who would benefit from additional one-on-one presentation support, then I would be happy to speak about setting up something longer-term.

Our Services

  • One-on-one coaching to refresh speaking toolkits or time to review and practice presentations. (In-person or virtual)

  • Get your team up on their feet and learn together to increase communication and presentation skills.

  • Host a full day of sessions for multiple teams or in-depth training for a single group.

Frequently asked questions

  • Short answer? Everyone. Teams are more effective when people have the confidence to demonstrate their skills and share their ideas. Having fun while learning new skills makes for more collaborative teams.

  • We suggest starting with groups of around 10 with no more than 20. Enough for a crowd but allow for everyone to participate.

  • Our workshops are customizable to your needs but most commonly range from 1-2 hours.

  • Improv is an amazing tool for teams to build adaptability and confidence. This workshop combines improvisational and theatre games along with concrete tools for participants to put into practice during their next presentations and events.

  • We have options to service both in-person and virtual events.