Grow your stage presence

Active and engaging workshops tailored to increase your team’s confidence and presentation skills.

Overcome your speaking fears

Get Grounded

Discover a new awareness of your physicality - how you enter, how you carry yourself, how you use your hands, etc. We’re taught to apologize for taking up space. Becoming a better speaker is about un-learning that lesson.

Connect Faster

Success in speaking comes from forming a quick connection with your audience so that they’re hanging on your every word. Those connections don’t happen by accident.

Be Honest

You don’t need to play a character when you’re presenting - people are coming to see you. You have the wisdom and expertise your audience is looking for, and it’s wrapped up in your personality. Let’s help you own that.

Use Your Fear

Remember that your fear can actually become your greatest asset. We’ll work on turning that fear into energy, and using that concentration and focus to your advantage when you’re at the mic.

Take your team’s presentation skills to the next level.

Most people are terrified of public speaking! Imagine what could happen if your team was fearless.

You may have heard that more people are afraid of public speaking than they are of death! That’s right - they’d rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy! How sad is that?

I’m here to help turn that around. Through my extensive training in theatre and background in production, I know how important it is to be able to walk up to that microphone with confidence, and to own that stage. A great speaker stays with you because they’re able to connect, and that does not happen by accident!

Great presenting and public speaking don’t always come naturally, and that’s okay! There are some solid, trainable skills and techniques that can help turn even the most nervous speaker into someone unafraid of taking the mic. I’ve found a way to teach those skills to your team in a way that’s fun, engaging, and that doesn’t for a moment feel like work. 

Make no mistake - the fear doesn’t go away overnight, and it might never go away. That’s okay too, even the biggest performers in the world still get stage fright. It’s about using tactical tips and proven strategies to embrace those anxieties, and work with that stage fright to still come off as your best self.

Let’s kickstart your workshop

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